The Great Commission
We believe that we, as a church, are called to spread the love of Jesus to all people. We accomplish this through our partnership with the Cooperative Program as well as through local efforts of our own missionaries, Jeff and Darlene Toy. Through their mission efforts overseas, we have been able to plant churches alongside Carl and Kathy Most in Abaco, Honduras, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

Our Local Mission
We have a heart for the homeless that stems from Jesus' statement in Matthew 25:40,
"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
Every Sunday morning during our 8am service we pick up our homeless brothers and sisters from downtown Lakeland and the Talbot House so that they can worship alongside us and receive a warm meal for breakfast. We also open our clothes closet to them each Sunday so that they can have the essentials and never have to worry about being underdressed or cold. We keep a food pantry to give struggling families and individuals a free place to pick up the necessities until they are able to get back on their feet.

A Lighthouse of Refuge
We are proud to partner with Lighthouse Ministries, a ministry that serves as a shelter for women and children who are often escaping addiction, abuse, and abandonment. We offer a life group for these ladies every Sunday at 9:15am in addition to picking them and their families up every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. These ladies serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to us all, as well as a shining testimony of the transformative power of Christ.