Kids Ministry at Crestview
At Crestview Lakeland, our kids (infant through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.
We would love to see you and your family visit Crestview Kids.
Your First Visit
Here's what to expect when visiting Crestview Kids for the first time:
First, head over to our Family Life Center for Sunday School classes (2nd - 5th grades) starting at 9:15, or head over to our Worship Center Nursery for children infant to 1st grade. There we will meet your family, check your child into our system, and then one of our volunteers will lead your child to their age-appropriate room.
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):
- Parent/guardian name(s)
- Child's name
- Child's birthdate
- Home address
- Phone number
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children

How Check-In Works
Before Sunday 10:30 AM Service: You can check-in your child at our Family Life Center, which is where Kid's Church takes place. If you brought your child to our Sunday School, don't worry! They're already checked in and will be brought into our Kid's Church by their teacher!
If you are arriving after Sunday School, simply come to the Family Life Center where our Children's Pastor will be waiting to greet you!
After Service: After the service is complete, you will return to the Family Life Center where our Children's Pastor will dismiss each child to their approved parent or guardian.
During Service: In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we may reach out to you through your contact details and text you if there are any issues. Make sure your contact information is up to date.
Sunday - Kid's Church

Every child will experience Kid's Church while you are worshiping in our Sunday Worship Service, whether they are in the Nursery or in our Family Life Center.
We hope to engage all of our kids in lessons that are educational, entertaining, and engaging! We do this through our use of media, our interactive lessons, our crafts and music, and our outlets for recreation.
Children in K through 5th will enjoy Kid's Church in our Family Life Center, where our leaders share a weekly lesson and memory verse as we also worship through song and dance!
Kids are then broken up into Small Groups, where they take turns either playing a fun and interactive game to reinforce our lesson or dive even deeper into God's Word through our Bible Study time.
At the end of your worship service, the kids will be finishing up with a Review game and some free-play which includes basketball, ping-pong, 9 square, and many more fun-filled activities!
Wednesday - AWANA

(September through May)
AWANA stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed," and comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 - "Be diligent to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth."
During the AWANA year (September - May), every Wednesday Night, starting at 6:15 in our Sanctuary, our kids gather together for an assembly where we do our pledges, reward good behavior, and discuss God's Word. Children are then led in age-appropriate groups to rotations of Game time, Bible verse memorization and workbooks, and Council Time lessons with a message from God's Word.
Kids are encouraged to bring their Bible, attend Sunday School, wear their uniform, and study the scripture in order to earn AWANA bucks to use in the seasonal AWANA store!
Pick-up occurs in the Education Building (Fellowship Hall) at 7:45 PM, after the Adult Worship Service concludes.

Stay Connected
To stay connected to what our kids are doing, get updates for upcoming events, visit our Facebook page by clicking the link below!